Shea seeds
Shea is an oilseed produced by an endemic tree from Africa. The majority of shea seeds are used locally for human food and cosmetics after extraction of its fat content: shea butter. However, the export demand has significantly increased over the last 30 years, and it now absorbs around 20% of the African production. This export demand is mainly intended for the production of Cocoa Butter Equivalents (CBE) used in the production of chocolate. The remaining small share of exports is destined for the cosmetics market, but this use has so far been marginal.
Since 2012, we carry out a continuous monitoring of the shea market in the main producing countries of West Africa and on the international market. Our advanced expertise in this sector allows us to advise Producer Organizations, Exporters, Processors, Importers, International Organizations and States in the construction of their commercial strategies and / or their investment choices.

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Our experience with Shea
Opportunity study for the establishment of a shea butter factory (Côte d'Ivoire-2016-Solivoire)
Study on the valorization of shea butter (Côte d'Ivoire-2016-IDC)
Installation of a briquette press (Burkina-2015-Projets Solidaires)
Technical assistance for shea butter production (Burkina Faso-2016-L'Occitane en Provence)
Shea butter production investment study (Kenya-2015-IPS)
World market study and American cocoa regulations (World-2014-GSA)
Study of commercial opportunities (Mali-2015-AVSF)