Dry cereal production in West Africa continues to increase and, contrary to many misconceptions, the trade balance of the sub-region has been shifting in recent years towards a reduction in the share of imports for local consumption, despite the strong urban demand.
Since 2014, N'kalô Service experts have been monitoring grain markets in West Africa for cereals connected to international markets: rice and maize; for cereals whose trade is concentrated at the subregional level: millet, sorghum, fonio. In partnership with the West African Cereals Network (ROAC), we carry out monthly monitoring of cereal markets in 9 West African countries. Our advanced expertise in the cereals sector allows us to advise Producer Organizations as well as traders, processors, breeders, International Organizations and States in their commercial strategies, their investment choices or their actions to support the production.

Our experiences with grains
Rice supply and supplier study (Côte d'Ivoire-2016-IFDC)
Fonio market and mix marketing study (Burkina-2011-Artisans du Monde)
Cereal value chain study (Burundi-2013-CTB)
Geographical indication study for rice, coffee and mango (Côte d'Ivoire-2011-OIPI)
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